1:1 Full Fruition
– Mentorship Program –
For you, the Woman who wants it all:
Healing, Embodiment, Creation + Full Expression.
My dear, you are paving your way.
And without knowing you yet, I’m so proud of you.
I know what it’s like to walk this road: to want to create the greatest & most authentic life for yourself, so you can thrive; in your joy, your bliss, your wellbeing, in your career & finances–so you can create the most aligned experience you could ever think, know & feel for yourself, using your gifts in the greatest of ways; just by being you. To have soulful connection; incredible, nourishing & healthy relationships; and become who you were meant to be in this world. To play your way, and do what you want, and live exactly how you want to live. Pursuing your passions with a thriving and fulfilling career, that supports you and financially helps makes your dreams come true; with purpose, pleasure, truth and style. To earn an aligned, delicious & juicy income that truly matches your worth, your value & potential. To use your creative gifts for the greater good: to serve the world and shine in your light: happy, nourished, wholesome & free, living & creating the lifestyle of your dreams.
Where you are:
- You're facing great fears and perhaps deeper traumas you quiver at seeing and overcoming, to 'get to' where you need and want to be;
- This makes you feel stuck & you don’t know how to pragmatically move forward;
- You want to start living & creating your dream life, but you don't know what exact steps to take next, and you need soulful, aligned, deep, nourishing & safe mama support to hold your hand, walk you through the steps, and take you there; someone with a bucket-load of experience, insight, knowledge & wisdom to clearly get you on your way to start expressing your magic;
- Your current financial situation is giving you anxiety, and you want more – limiting you from what you want, and growing into the next step;
- You are so full of talent, potential, dreams and desires, but you feel like you aren't able to make it on your own, are scared of pushing forward, or are facing difficulties with making it all happen by yourself. You feel scared & you really need that support to help make you move forward, achieve your dreams and bring your fullest fruition to life.
~ I for sure know what it’s like to walk this road. ~
A little about me:
I have:
- Overcome my deepest, darkest traumas to finally be free and live my life as it's intended to be lived–with love, joy, passion, perseverence, the utmost confidence, deepest self-knowing, integral clarity and energetic sustainability (after a lot of work. And not just the 'spiritual' kind; the real, deep and scary psychological and clinical kind. I've done.it.all.);
- Developed the tools and wisdom to know how to take action on my fears to breakthrough into all of my dreams...and keep going, non-stop (well, with breaks and rest, of course) till I can fulfil all of my dreams, inherent potential and really, whatever I want (the power is cool and infinite);
- Using my gifts in their greatests form; supporting others + inspiring people to heal and become their best selves, to live a life of fulfilment, wholesomeness and potential; and
- Living my dream life; in complete creative + wholesome freedom, meeting my desires and building myself to thrive financially to live and create my dream lifestyle and future.
Before that, I:
- Founded my own organisation–the first of its kind in Australia, a therapeutic, transformative + wellbeing-based performing arts organisation for people with disability, at age 24;
- Acted & starred in international TV series', commercials and short films, hosted on music TV channels, was a professional model and performer, performing as lead roles (such as Gigi van Trahn in Miss Saigon) and other big stage musicals;
- Co-produced, directed + choroegraphed Australia Salutes Michael Jackson, Australia's premier MJ tribute show which toured the country, and danced, sang, performed, taught & choreographed professionally for an accumulated nearly 25+ years... (whilst having severe anxiety, panic attacks, trauma and undiagnosed PTSD...and somehow managed to survive it all!);
And all through this, became a natural healer, and have helped, uplifted & inspired many people–from women, to men, to couples and children–through my 1:1s, workshops and integrative experiences.
I know what it’s like to be where you are; of knowing who you truly are & what you are capable of deep within; but feeling so stifled and set aback by all of your 'limitations,' 'downfalls' or 'shortcomings.'
I am here to help you–future successful mama + leader of the Earth–to overcome your fears so you can truly thrive; embody and actualise your full potential; awaken your capacity & capability to create + live your dream lifestyle & achieve your dreams–and become who you were meant to be, now. And do it in a way where you feel safe, loved, supported, and healthily-challenged so you can be yourself, achieve your dreams and be free.
- Book Your ConsultationClick the button below for your free 20-minute consult with me.
The Program
Note: Each & every person is different, therefore each program is catered specifically to your personal needs, want & desires, and caters to exactly where you're at, and what you need. (No pressure to 'be' where you think you need to be! You're already worthy to start making your steps now.)
In a Nutshell:
Month 1: Heal (Clear the Muck)
Month 2: Reveal (Visioning + Baby Steps)
Month 3: Act (Bigger Steps + Accomplishing the Dream)
Optional - Month 4: Make it Happen (Total Fulfilment + Thorough Follow-Through)
1Week One: Your Desires + Hurdles
Connecting deeply on where you're at, we can start by looking at what needs to be dealt with. There is a brief introduction into your past and history, where notes are made and a clear understanding of what modalities would suit you is gained, and what personalised healing-process you would need for your wellness and wellbeing to unfold fruitfully.
2Week Two: Healing
We are able to delve deeper into your fears + perhaps traumas, and begin using specific modalities to help fully and deeply heal these wounds forever, so you are able to move and step ahead.
3Week Three: Healing + Check-in
The same process lies above–this personalised process is not linear so we see what comes up. Also, supporting you in ways of action so you are able to move forward more rapidly, and with gusto.
4Week Four: Healing
Addressing your wounds, we continue the healing process–hopefully starting to see the light of day. If not, we continue to ensure you are making and paving your way to your greater success, so you can truly thrive.
5Week Five: Your Vision
Depending on if we've accumulated enough clarity and traction from healing your fears + traumas, we are now able to conceive a clearer picture of your dream and vision for your life and creativity, and start actualising it through conscious, active (baby) steps.
6Week Six: Baby Steps
Picking up where we left off, and hopefully gaining traction from the previous week, we are able to continue moving forward in a healthy, solid and embodied way where healing more linearly and creating your dream life is starting to work- and tie-in hand-in-hand.
7Week Seven: Clarity + Continuing the Walk
Checking in to see where you're at and how you feel, perhaps there are more things rising in the realms of fear that are needing to be met. That's okay–this is what I'm here for, and why we're here. We check-in to see of your vision and dream is in fuller alignment with your desires and soul, and continue making the baby steps to bring your dream to life.
8Week Eight: More Baby Steps + Activating the Bigger Dream
By this point, we should have gained so much traction that you are feeling relieved, actively excited and willing to step-in and jump further to make your dreams, vision, and full-fruition come alive. You are ready to make things happen for yourself with more conviction and self-love and -belief! It's a beautiful time to be alive :) and I am excited for you!
9Week Nine: Your Big Dream
Here, we check-in to see if you have full clarity about your big dream, and whether you are feeling like you are truly capable of accomplishing it. We look at what needs to be done to actualise that dream, and jot the (bigger) baby-steps to take action on in the next week. Should any fears arise, we deal with those as we have in the past few months–learning how to turn frozen fears into thriving success!
10Week Ten: More Action
Are you feeling the momentum yet? Haha, jokes! Of course you are! With more strength and durability, you feel more alive to achieve those dreams and make sh*t happen! You're probably looking at all the ways you can accomplish whatever dream comes to mind (but we stay focused on the one you want!) Your inner-strength and conviction comes alive, and you're ready to tackle whatever comes ahead of you.
11Week Eleven: More Action... More Please!
This is it! Your time to shine is soon-arriving! Whatever we need to face–fears, traumas, challenges, you name it–we're here for it! Overcoming hurdles and taking action-moves forward, this is it baby! You are creating yourself + your dream as you see fit! Who knew you'd ever be this conquering before! (That's a lie–I did!)
12Week Twelve: Final Actions, Future Decisions + Closure
You did it. We did it–together! You overcame your fears, jumped over those hurdles, know how to tackle or attack any future challenge which comes your way (and if you get really stuck–I'm always here for you.) We get clear on what we've achieved, what action steps may lie ahead, and have a deep-and-special, meaningful closure process which you and I can close on together. I am so proud of you, and honoured to call you my client.
*Note: As mentioned above, this process may not look the same for everyone (nor, should it.) It will be personalised to your needs specifically. An extra month may be added to your package (should you desire it, after you've completed your program.)
Where you will be afterwards:
- Feeling so unstoppable, full of wealth of confidence, conviction and knowing you can accomplish your dreams and goals, and whatever lies ahead of you.
- Actively taking-part in creating your dream, with so much clarity and far more certainty than you did when you began...or perhaps in the last x amount of years in your life! It's the first time in a long time where you feel like you can actually achieve your dream, even if it looked so big beforehand.
- Feeling free, more in flow, more in your authentic self and essence, and unafraid to be who you truly are–which is who you are meant to be! Perfect you.
- All of that energy which you felt had died so long ago is coming back, and you're remembering yourself as who you knew you were, before any of that sh*t happened. You are alive! And your energy is flowing. You're becoming you again!
- You're able to conquest upon your dream, move forward with inner-stability and self-knowing that you can achieve anything you set your mind to. Your heart is full, and you are ready to 'start' your new, true life as you desire to be & become. Welcome to the world, baby!
- You look back, and actually can't believe that was you only 3-4 months ago! In so many ways, you have accomplished so much, yet in this moment you are renewed as a whole-new being, with so much more life and luxury of fulfilment waiting before you. This is your time to shine!
Are you ready to become who you were meant to be, mama, and come into your Full Fruition?
Book now:
More Information:
The general price of a 3 month (12-week) 1:1 Mentorship Program with Roshni is $25,000 AUD.
– Duration can be customized to you - even up to 6 months upon discussion. Payment plans available. –
What you get:
- 3 live one-to-one sessions per month via Zoom (which is recorded for your ability to replay.)
- Support via Voxer for the extra week where there is no session (for rest, creation + integration.)
- Access to all online resources created by Roshni.
- Lifetime knowledge, wisdom & experience to implement into your daily life, career, relationships, money, wellbeing & business.
- Development in your personal life & lifestyle, thriving creativity, wellbeing, full expression & visionary/heart-/soul-driven projects.
- Life- & world-changing healing and truly transformational coaching; master-intuitive guidance; spiritual & embodiment leader; integruous multi-modality & Tantric embodiment practitioner; social, artistic & conscious entrepreneur; and holistic arts and wellbeing developer & facilitator.