• 1:1 Coaching

    Helping Women to

    Heal • Awaken • Be Liberated & Interconnected


    Dear woman,

    I know what it's like. You feel disconnected and not in alignment with who you truly are.
    You crave purpose, ignition with your gifts & creating massive impact in this world;
    just through your Being.
    You want to be seen, known, and shine as a light; but you feel stuck, betrayed by your past and/or can't seem to move 'forward' in the way you truly desire. You may not even know what you really desire, and fear seems to arise in certain ways that stop you from becoming all that you are.
    You know you can do so many.fucking.epic.things. But you're still stuck AF.


    (And if not, maybe you're closer to 'the dream' more than ever...but still crave the support to 'get there' with someone who's done the reigns.)


    I get it.

    I see you, I feel you.

    (I was you.)

    It's time to finally let the reigns down so you can reign up.

    With expertise in total holistic transformation, namely through an integrative 'reprogramming' sense, I have cultivated the gifts to help others such as yourself grow into their most authentic form, ridding themselves of old past stories, fears & tribulations, and evolve into their most unique, authentic self in alignment with their truthful wellbeing.


    My gift exists in helping you clear your shit, often calling out the bullshit quite straight–with love, questioning & curiosity–and speaking (to) the truths which resonate deeply with your being, self and soul.


    It's always attributed to who & where you are now–and makes for powerful & potent transformation immediately into your direct life & livelihood.

    My way is through:

    • Deep, whole & authentic guidance, using the variety of tools & modalities I have at-hand ... coaching
    • Personal navigation & guidance
    • Master Intuitive reading (clairsentience & clairvoyance)
    Other applied psychological & psycho-somatic tools I use are:
    • Childhood regression therapy
    Certified Transformologist ...